18.02.2015 15:00
Просмотров всего: 4846; сегодня: 5.

Systems Tor-М2E, Tor-М2К, Tor-М2КМ and OSA at the Exhibition Air show India – 2015

Systems Tor-М2E, Tor-М2К, Tor-М2КМ and OSA at the Exhibition Air show India – 2015

Samples of the up-to-date surface to air missile systems Tor-М2E, Tor-М2К, Tor-М2КМ and OSA will be presented at 10th International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition (Air show India – 2015) which takes place from February 18-22, 2015 in Bangalor, India.

The exhibition takes place once every two years and appears the strategic platform for aviation and aerospace industry, presented the latest industry developments. As a grate traditional participant of aeroshow Russia builds its exposition in view of outlooks of military-technical cooperation development with India. Russian-Indian military-technical cooperation lasts more than four decades and is characterized as a strategic partnership.

Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol, JSC will present samples of new generation short range surface-to-air missile systems Tor-M2E, Tor-M2K, Tor-M2KM in the modular version on a semitrailer as well as SAM system OSA.

The SAM system OSA is in operational service with more than 15 neighbouring countries and beyond, took part in combat operations and showed grate results. At the present time serial production of this type of SAM system is completed, but Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol , JSC fulfills the maintenance and modernization of these systems. During modernization analog equipment is replaced by the digital one, the new algorithms and new software are implemented, that in combination with the modern computer engineering and special equipment widely enhances upgraded system combat performances.

In the XXI century with the advent of the new types of weapon and changes in embattling tactical techniques demand in development of the new type of SAM system is appeared. The result is that in 2007 the SAM system Tor-M2E was designed.

The SAM systems of new generation of the Tor family is intended for air defense of subunits of various arms of service and armed forces, vital military, state, industrial and public facilities against attacks of high precision weapon, airplanes of tactical aviation, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles. The main performance feature of SAM systems Tor is to attack up-to-date high precision weapon, such as anti-radar missiles (HARM and others), cruise missiles and guided aerial bombs. That particular weapon will present the most threat for the air defense systems of the countries exposed to aerial attack.

In the Tor-M2E, Tor-M2K, Tor-M2KM SAM systems capability of simultaneous destruction of four air targets by four surface-to-air missiles (SAM) was implemented for the first time. These systems are easy to be integrated into existing air defense systems.

The Tor-М2KM SAM system provides for wide range of its application. A unique opportunity for transportation of the system on external sling of helicopter with carrying power of more than 15 tons enables its placement in the most out-of-the-way places, including roofs of buildings and constructions. Only this system can ensure the reliable air defense of megapolises against terrorist air attacks or aviation of a fighting against part.

The Tor-M2KM SAM system can be mounted on any platforms with carrying power of more than 15 tons at the option of a customer.

Tests of the Tor-M2KM SAMS with modular version of combat and technical facilities mounted on the Indian-made motor chassis TATA were undertaken in Kapustin Yar, the firing range of Ministry of Defense of RF, in September-October 2014. All performance characteristics of the system were confirmed during these tests. The Tor-M2KM SAMS has expanded killing zone by altitude up to 10 km and by range up to 15 km, provides engagement of actively evading air targets as well the targets flying with the parameter up to 8 km. The target acquisition, tracking radar and the missile guidance radar, 8 ready-to-launch guided surface-to-air missiles, two automated working stations for combat crew, control and communication aids, up-to-date navigation system, self-contained power supply system, fuel supply etc. are comprised within the same universal hull. The hull has 3 special brackets providing its fastening to various platforms. The system is equipped with backup, day-night electro-optical air target tracking system. The system is a self-contained completely and has an equipment ensuring operation of the system from industrial mains. Combat operation of the Tor-M2KM SAMS is completely automated and nearly doesn't require a man participation.

The present day the systems of the Tor family take the leading positions among similar short range surface-to-air missile systems in the world.

Ньюсмейкер: Ижевский электромеханический завод Купол — 40 публикаций


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