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How to make money in crypto passively?

How to make money in crypto passively?

Crypto and blockchain is a young and booming industry that contains lots of ways of making money: DeFi, NFTs, Trading, Investing, ICOs, IDOs, and the list goes on. But almost each and every investment method in crypto requires a lot of time which newbie investors don’t have due to a full-time occupation.

In order to start receiving passive income from cryptocurrencies, you have to get familiar with the technologies that allow you to receive funds from collaterals. There are only a few ways to do so: lending, staking and owning masternodes. 

How can you make crypto passively with Proof-of-Stake.

PoS is the algorithm of block mining or validation in accordance with the number of coins that are being held by the individual. Traditionally miners are the only ones that are eligible for receiving newly mined coins but projects with implemented Proof-of-Stake concept allow their investors to increase their collaterals by receiving new coins without having to spend electricity on mining (https://finstrategy.in/about-us/). 

In order to enable staking you have to store the project’s coins on your wallet with the staking function enabled. You will automatically receive coins once in a while that you can later add to your collateral and receive even more. Once you move your coins to exchange in order to sell you will stop receiving rewards. Projects like Ethereum allow you to keep coins on your wallet and receive passive income it for being a block validator. 

The main drawback is that coins with the highest staking returns are usually not stable on the market and constantly losing their fiat value. Bigger projects like Ethereum have less volatility but offer a moderate-income rate of around 6% annually.  

Another way of making money in the project with implemented PoS project is buying a masternode collateral that allows you to receive rewards for verifying new blocks. Receiving a masternode reward is similar to staking but in that case, you will need a large portion of coins and a separate virtual server that you need to use to run your node. Coins for the collateral can be purchased from the cryptocurrency exchange (https://finstrategy.in/about-us/).


Lending is a simplified way or receiving a passive income with the usage of DeFi protocols. More about DeFi sector you can read on our website. Lending allows you to provide collateral and receive an interest rate for it. After connecting your wallet to the DeFi platform, invest your funds in the lending pool and start receiving profit from the borrowers. The interest rate for lenders varies in accordance with current supply and demand. 

DeFi platform usually provides you with automated solutions and the only thing that you will need to do is simply send your money to the smart contract and then withdraw it whenever you want (https://finstrategy.in/about-us/).

Сайты стран: Индия

Ньюсмейкер: Fin Strategy — 2 публикации
Сайт: finstrategy.in/about-us


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